Academy Members

What will you get?


  • Advanced trading content
  • Beginner trading content
  • Chart breakdown analysis (supplement to the free videos)
  • Guidance to psychological and mental aspect of trading
  • Price action trading education
  • Cancel anytime

As a bonus you will get:

  • Access to private trading community. You will not be left alone to learn.
  • Trade ideas from experienced members.
  • Support from the community
  • Real time price action breakdown





39 $ / month - N/A
117 $ / 3months

Trading discord community

You will not be left alone to learn. By joining the wadetradingacademy you will get as a bonus access to a  discord group, get real time access to like-minded traders. You will be able to learn from other traders, share your ideas, share your trades, ask questions and discuss them with fellow traders in real time. This will immensely accelerate your learning process but at the same time it also creates accountability to stick to your goals, plan and strategy.



This is basically our virtual trading floor. We share our thoughts about potential setups, market activity, share our charts and trade ideas. Don’t be afraid to ask a question or share your successful trading. S&P 500 is one of the most popular and liquid instruments traded by the professionals and this is what this room is about. However if you are interested in other instruments, it is being traded in other rooms as well.



In order to not miss out on all the important events, updates, new content releases and information regularly visit this section of our community. Check this section for important notices and find relevant links to new content and important website updates.


Price Action and Psychology Education

If you have a general question about trading but our trading floor seems too busy, in this section we discuss general price action topics and trading psychology topics in order for you to stay in the right state of mind. Although great chart reading skills are important, trading is mostly mental and in order for you to stay fully focused make sure to visit this section regularly.